Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. ~Twyla Tharp

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day 8

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.  I haven't seen my kiddos for coming up on 3 weeks now and I miss them terribly.  I miss seeing them in the hallway.  I miss their smiles and I miss their snotty little attitudes when I tell them to get to work.  I just miss being in their presence.  I didn't become a teacher to sit in my house and come up with lessons and post them online for my students to do with no real interaction from me.  I miss the joy in my classroom.  I miss all the personalities.  I miss the chaos and craziness and the aggravation and the hugs.  You would think that this forced isolation wouldn't be any different than summer vacation but it is.  There is a natural pause that comes at the end of the school year.  We wind down and we celebrate and we have time to say our goodbyes. We reminisce and settle things up.  We know it'll soon be time to take off and relax and recharge and spend the warm, long days with friends and family.  This abrupt break in the school year didn't give us that time.  And it's hard.  It's unprecedented.  I don't like it.  I really hope and pray that we will be given the chance to come back together as a school family before the end of the calendar and have a chance to see each other again.

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